Next FIFA World Cup to be climate neutral through cooperation with QGBC

The Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC), the Green Key National Operator in Qatar, is supporting the countries efforts in hosting the first climate-neutral FIFA World Cup. For that purpose, the QGBC is proactively working on transforming the hospitality industry of the country towards a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future.

Photo: © Qatar Green Building Council

Photo: © Qatar Green Building Council

The Qatar Green Building Council, the Green Key National Operator in Qatar, highlighted the efforts done to support Qatar’s quest to deliver the world’s first climate neutral FIFA World Cup. The aim is to do so through transforming the hospitality sector to operate efficiently, be more sustainable and more environmentally friendly.

When Qatar received the confirmation to host the next FIFA World Cup in 2022, the country committed to putting all efforts into hosting a a carbon-neutral event. After setting this goal, the Qatar Green Building Council, a non-profit, membership-driven organisation providing leadership and encouraging collaboration in conducting environmentally sustainable practices for green building design and representative for a sustainable tourism industry, became one of the event’s biggest stakeholders.

In order to make the hospitality sector in Qatar more sustainable, the industry needs to proactively work on reducing food waste, invest in renewable energies, reduce the amount of energy-intensive systems and most importantly, develop new methods to make the use of the scare resource water more efficient.

Ruba Hinnawi, technical specialist at the Qatar Green Building Council explains:

We are expecting around 1.5 million visitors to come here, we can only imagine the stress that this will put on our infrastructure, our services, and our environment.

Due to the tremendous pressures that the upcoming FIFA World Cup will put on the ecosystems of the country, the Qatar Green Building Council further increased the promotion of the Green Key programme. The efforts undertaken should also strengthen a more sustainable hospitality industry in general, even after the World Cup. According to Ruba Hinnawi, a vast variety of hotels in Qatar advocate and positively respond to the criteria and measurements provided by Green Key. As a result, big hotels such as the Sheraton Grand Doha and Mandarin Oriental Doha, amongst others, have already been certified with the Green Key.

A video, produced by the Qatar Green Building Council, the BBC StoryWorks and the World Green Building Council Series should showcase the profound effect buildings have on the quality of people’s lives and the role the green buildings movement can play in tackling the climate emergency. This video can be rewatched under the following link.