HOTREC recommends Green Key in their sustainability position paper

HOTREC (Association of Hotels, Restaurants & Cafés in Europe) has published its position paper on sustainability in the hospitality industry that includes its main actions and the support to environmental programmes such as Green Key.


HOTREC’s position paper on sustainability in the hospitality sector, “Towards sustainable tourism in Europe”, was published in 2020. In the position paper, HOTREC expresses its commitment to support a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The commitment focuses on the contribution of the hospitality industry to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

HOTREC’s four mainline of actions on sustainability include:

a)     the support and promotion of good and sustainable practices

b)    the promotion of the use of energy-efficient products and renewable energy sources

c)     the promotion of actions to reduce food waste in the hospitality sector

d)    the promotion and development of skilled labour through training and career development


HOTREC highlights that sustainable tourism development requires the informed participation of all relevant stakeholders as well as strong political leadership. The businesses in the hospitality industry are already increasingly taking action to address sustainability through many operational changes in their processes. HOTREC is strongly encouraging such actions but also highlights the need for public funding and other financial incentives to hospitality businesses to support the transition as well as public support to the education of consumers through awareness-raising campaigns.

HOTREC & Green Key

HOTREC supports the use of environmental labels for tourist accommodation services and restaurants, provided that they are voluntary, focused on a consumer-oriented approach, and be industry-driven. HOTREC highlights the Green Key as well as the EU Ecolabel as two examples of robust and well-run schemes to be further promoted among customers to incentivize the use of these labels. HOTREC also supports various other existing initiatives such as the UN “One Planet – Travel with care” programme, the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics, and “Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative” (developed by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and promoted by Green Key). Green Key is very proud and appreciates HOTREC’s recognition and is determined to continue striving for more sustainability in the tourism sector!


HOTREC, the Association of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Cafes and similar establishments in Europe, is a non-profit umbrella organisation that brings together 44 national associations in 33 countries. HOTREC is the voice of the hospitality industry in Europe including around two million businesses.

HOTREC’s working groups and committees play an important role in the organisation. The Sustainability Working Group discusses relevant European policy issues related to sustainable tourism and hospitality (lowering the carbon footprint of the sector, energy efficiency, water management, etc.), and favours the exchange of sustainable best practices among HOTREC members.

More information about HOTREC can be found here: